Caponata - Venticolli

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4 Aubergines - 200gr. of Olives - 50gr. of Capers - 2 large stalks of Celery - 1 ladle of Tomato sauce - 2 large Onions cut into thin slices - 1 glass of Vinegar - 1 tablespoon of sugar - Basil - Oil.

Cut the aubergines into small cubes and place them in a bowl with salted water for about 2 hours. Clean the celery and blanch in salted water for 5 minutes. Put the capers in a bowl with hot water to remove the salt and drain after a few minutes. In a large pan, put the onion with a little oil, together with the capers and the olives cut into small pieces. Add the sauce and stir with a wooden scoop and turn off the heat when a thick sauce has formed. In another pan fry the aubergines squeezed and dried thoroughly. In the same oil fry the stalks of celery cut into chunks. Put the fried aubergines and celery in the pan with the sauce, mix well and mix the flavors for 5 minutes on low heat. Sprinkle with sugar, pour in the vinegar and after a few minutes turn off the heat and cover with the lid. The caponata is better cold, served in an earthenware bowl and garnished with basil leaves.
Recommended wines:

Rosso del Contadino Nero d'Avola I.G.P. Sicilia
L'Oro Rosso Syrah I.G.P. Sicilia

Foto della caponata siciliana
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