Sarde - Venticolli

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Sicilia in bocca


1Kg. of Sarde - 100gr. Breadcrumbs - 10 Toasted and chopped almonds - 10 laurel leaves - 8 pitted black olives - 6 anchovy fillets - 2 lemon peels - 2 teaspoons of sugar - a handful of parsley - a tablespoon of pickled capers - a spoon of Grape Sultanina - a tablespoon of pine nuts - 1/2 glass of lemon juice.


Clean and open the sardines; wash and dry them. In a pan, melt the anchovies in oil, add the breadcrumbs and mix everything. When cold, add the peel of grated lemons, 2 tablespoons of sweetened lemon juice, chopped parsley, capers, raisins, pine nuts, olives, almonds, salt and pepper. Stuff the half of the sardines with the mixture, put them in an oven pan greased with oil and breadcrumbs, cover with the other half of the sardines, sprinkled with the remaining lemon juice, put between the sardines and the leaves of laurel, drizzle with a little oil and cook in a hot oven for 15 minutes.
Recommended wines:

Bianco del Pescatore Chardonnay I.G.P. Sicilia
L'Oro Bianco Alcamo Bianco D.O.C.
Nerè Inzolia I.G.P. Sicilia

Foto delle sarde a beccafico
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